People who have symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) are strongly recommended to stay in their home and to limit social contacts as much as possible, by calling their doctor to understand how to behave;These and numerous other indications are contained in the Decree issued on March 8 by the President of the Council of
Ministers which establishes new measures to contain the epidemic and which containsurgent measures to contain the infection in the Lombardy region and in the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara,
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso, Venice; among these we remind you that it is necessary:avoid moving into and out of these territories, except for those for work or health reasonspeople with a fever above
37.5 degrees are strongly recommended to stay at home and limit social contacts as much as possible and contact their doctorabsolute ban on leaving their homes for those who are quarantined or tested positive for the virus.
And furthermore, the contagion can be limited by following these recommendations:Wash your hands often. It is recommended to make hydroalcoholic solutions for hand washing available in all public places, gyms, supermarkets, pharmacies and other meeting places.Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
Avoid hugs and handshakes.Maintaining an interpersonal distance of at least one meter in social contacts.Respiratory hygiene (sneezing and / or coughing into a handkerchief avoiding hand contact with respiratory secretions).Avoid mixed use of bottles and glasses, especially during sports activities.
Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough.Do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless prescribed by your doctor.Clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants.Use the mask only if you suspect that you are sick or if you are caring for sick people.
The project ‘A drug can save a life’ was officially presented at the headquarters of the Missionary Medicines Center in Florence. The initiative was illustrated by the president of the Center, Massimo Ghiribelli. Also present was the regional councilor for Health, Luigi Marroni, who commented: ”
A commendable initiative, organized with great professionalism, rigor, precision. An initiative that also has a very important ethical aspect, because, in addition to helping many people , allows the recovery of even very expensive drugs, thus making it possible not to waste this precious resource “.
On 31 July 2013 the Center inaugurated the ‘A drug can save a life’ project. The goal is to reduce the waste of medicines among the population and transform drugs from potential waste into life-saving tools. On the territory of the municipality of Florence 30 boxes have been installed for the collection of drugs, in the offices of Misericordie, Public Assistance, hospitals, Asl clinics.
For 2014, the project wants to expand, thanks to widespread information that will be carried out in pharmacies, which will give citizens information brochures, with a map of the city to locate the boxes. And the initiative should also extend to the other municipalities in the province of Florence, through voluntary associations and health facilities in the area.
The following participate in the project, which has the patronage of the Tuscany Region and the Municipality of Florence, with the contribution of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze: Banco Farmaceutico, Association of Pharmacy Owners, Order of Pharmacists of the province of Florence, Health Authority 10 of Florence , Afam, Alliance Healthcare, Military Pharmaceutical Chemical Institute, Caritas and voluntary associations of the territory.
“We believe that the waste of some can become a precious help for those who are most in need – says Massimo Ghiribelli – Even doctors will be able to make an important contribution through free samples”. According to the Association for the defense and guidance of consumers, every year a family wastes 80 euros on medicines that remain unused; 8.5 packages of medicines per family still remain intact.