Call for Papers

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Call for papers for Sur Journal No. 21
Articles, case studies and institutional reflections
Deadline: March 30 2015

Conectas Human Rights invites academics and practitioners working in the field of human rights, or similar areas, to submit entries for the 21st edition of the new Sur Journal, which will be published in May 2015.

Sur – International Journal of Human Rights is published twice per year by Conectas. It is edited in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and is available online here. Once a year, a compilation of the journal will be printed and distributed, free of charge, to over 3,000 readers in more than 100 countries. From 2016, the Sur Journal will be published three times per year.

The objective of the Sur Journal is to influence the global human rights agenda by producing, fostering and disseminating innovative research and reflections, primarily from the Global South, and which are relevant to the practice of human rights.

Selection Process and Authors΄ Rights
The Sur Journal has revised its editorial policy with the objective of strengthening and expanding its influence on the global human rights agenda and to better respond to the needs of its readers. SUR is looking for contributions that reflect on human rights practices – for example, the impact of advocacy campaigns or strategic litigation – and which offer new perspectives about contemporary human rights issues, preferably based on empirical research or first-hand experience. With this in mind, SUR is now accepting contributions for the following sections:




Articles Analysis of a human rights topic, with preference for articles that deal with issues of transnational significance and that are based on empirical research. 12.500 – 20.000 characters including spaces (approx. 5-8 pages)
Case study Critical case studies on the implementation of advocacy strategies, litigation and other experiences and which analyse their impact on the practice of human rights. 7.500 – 12.500 characters including spaces (approx. 3-5 pages)
Institutional reflections Short pieces by civil society and human rights organizations on their experience in management, evaluation, fundraising and sustainability or other related issues. 5.000 – 10.000 characters including spaces (approx. 2-4 pages)

Once submitted, the contributions will be subject to a process of blind review. Firstly, the contributions will be reviewed by the Executive Board and, if necessary, by the Editorial Board. Secondly, if the contribution has passed the first phase, it may then be blind reviewed externally, at the discretion of the executive editors. The Editorial Board is not able to give the reasons why a contribution has been rejected.

In relation to authors’ rights, Sur Journal uses Creative Commons-Attribution Share Alike License 4.0 to publish the articles, which preserves the rights of the authors, while allowing readers to share its content.

Please note that the Sur Journal prefers to receive original contributions not previously published elsewhere.

Any submission that contains citations without appropriate references (plagiarism) will be disregarded immediately.

Contributions should be sent to [email protected] in electronic format (Microsoft Word file) and using the following standards:

• Length: The length (including biography and footnotes) of contributions varies depending on which section of the Journal they are submitted for (article, case study or institutional reflection). Refer to the table above.
• Language: contributions can be submitted in any of the working languages of the Journal (Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, and British English). In addition, in order to be as accessible as possible to the widest audience, the Sur Journal has an editorial policy that favours clear and concise language, free of jargon.
• Footnotes: Footnotes should only be used where necessary. Footnotes should be concise and follow the Chicago format for full note citation. The format “(AUTHOR, year)” will no longer be used. “Garamond”, size 10 with single line spacing.
• Font: “Garamond”, size 12 and 1.5cm line spacing should be used for the main body of the text.
• The contributions should include:
o A brief biography of the author (maximum 50 words); o A summary/abstract (maximum 150 words);
o Keywords for bibliographic classification;
o The date when the article was written.
• It is not necessary to include a bibliography at the end of the text. Footnotes will include full citation.
• For Latin phrases – inter alia, jus cogens, etc – use italics.
• To refer to articles of an international instrument or legislation, do not use the abbreviation “art.” but the word “Article”. Use the official acronyms from the intergovernmental organisations’ systems, if any.
• Use “S” (capitalised) for State or Member State (country).
• The Journal can be referred to as Sur – International Journal on Human Rights, Sur Journal or simply SUR.

Contributions received that do not follow the guidelines above (including the number of characters) may lead to it being immediately rejected by the Executive Board.

Contributions for the Sur Journal No. 21 (to be published in May 2015) will only be accepted for consideration