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Even today it is difficult to identify the exact medical causes behind a suicide and often the reasons that lead to such an act are more than one.They are often the result offeelings of helplessness in the face of what appears to be an overwhelming life situation

(economic problems, interpersonal relationships, related to bereavement or illness, …),links with psychological disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia),consumption of alcohol and drugs,and so much more.

In many cases, there are situations in which you want to cause pain and not death, because it may seem like a way to manage your emotions, but these are still cases that require immediate medical attention.Risk factorsAgeSuicide tends to be more common in people over the age of 65-70.

SexAcross all age groups in most of the world, women tend to exhibit higher rates of non-fatal suicidal behavior, while men are associated with a much higher rate of successful suicide.Sexually orientedBeing gay, lesbian or transgender and facing prejudice and insertion difficulties because of this can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts.PastPrevious suicide attempts.

Violence in the family, including physical or sexual abuse.Mental healthIt is estimated that 90% of people who attempt suicide suffer from one or more mental health conditions, perhaps not even diagnosed yet.

Depression, which causes a severe drop in mood, fatigue, loss of interest in everything and everyone, despair and loss of hope.Bipolar disorder, which causes rapid and particularly intense changes in mood; approximately one in three patients will attempt suicide at least once, as they are associated with a 20 times higher risk than the general population.

Schizophrenia, which is a long-term condition that can cause hallucinations, delusions and changes in behavior. It is estimated that one in 20 people will succeed in attempting to commit suicide (the highest risk is at the time of onset of symptoms).

Borderline Personality Disorder, characterized by unstable emotions, altered thinking, behavior, and a rash or impulsive character.Anorexia nervosa, one of the most serious eating disorders.HealthHaving a serious illness, such as a tumor or medical condition that causes chronic pain.LifestyleAbuse of alcohol, drugs, medications.

Professional and social lifeProfessional uncertainty.Professional dissatisfaction.Economic difficulties.Having legal problems.Having problems in school, social problems or disciplinary problems, if you are a child or a teenager.Get into debt.Living homeless.Incarceration.

Exercise a profession that exposes you to potential easy access to suicide (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, soldiers, …).Relationship lifeHaving recently suffered a stressful life event, such as the loss of a loved one or the breakup of a relationship.Bullying.Genetics and family historyFamily history of mental disorders or substance abuse.Family history of suicide.

It is also not excluded that a suicidal tendency may be partly genetic: people who carry out suicide or who have suicidal thoughts or behaviors are more likely to have a family history of suicide. While more research is needed to fully verify a possible genetic component, it is thought that there may be a genetic link to impulsive behaviors that can lead to suicide.