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DiagnosisThe doctor will first carry out a physical examination. He or she will ask a series of mental and physical health questions to help determine what may be causing the suicidal thoughts and to determine the best treatment available.

In most cases, suicidal thoughts are related to an underlying mental health problem that can be treated. These can include:depression, bipolar disorder,    personality disorders,    post-traumatic stress disorder,anxiety, detachment from reality (psychosis) or paranoia,

alcohol abuse or other addictions.If your doctor thinks you may have an undiagnosed mental illness that could be causing suicidal thoughts, you may need to answer additional questions or complete a psychological questionnaire. You may need to see a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental illness (psychiatrist) or other mental health care professionals.

Treatment and therapyIn emergency cases, it is necessary to go to the emergency room immediately, in order to treat primarily any injuries caused by the attempt.When you have suicidal thoughts you may need outpatient treatment, which can include:    psychotherapy,    drugs,    addiction treatment,    support and education for families.Lifestyle and home remedies

There is no alternative to professional help when it comes to treating suicidal thoughts and preventing suicide, but there are some precautions that if implemented can reduce the risk. One is to have strong support from close people, be they family, friends or members of your Church. Religious practice has also been shown to reduce the risk of suicide.

Exercise and dietResearch shows that for some people with mild-to-moderate depression, exercise can be as effective as an antidepressant in reducing symptoms, the activity in fact    improves mood,    reduces stress and anxiety,    promotes the release of endorphins, substances produced by the body capable of giving a feeling of well-being,    increases self-esteem.

Equally important is a healthy, varied and complete diet; eating well is the first step to staying healthy, even from a psychological point of view.Alcohol and drugsDrinking alcohol can be a strong temptation when experiencing stressful and difficult situations, but alcohol has a depressive effect, this means that it will worsen the feeling of malaise, sadness and unhappiness.

It is therefore very important to avoid excesses, or better still to avoid it altogether.For the same reasons it is very important to avoid the use of abusive substances, which in no case represent an aid to overcome the difficulties of life or to escape from them.

IsolationLoneliness and isolation have been shown to be a significant risk factor for suicide, so it is very important to do what you can to maintain and possibly increase engagement with friends and family.

Talking to someone about your feelings, fears and difficulties can be of great help, even when you don’t feel like doing it.In case of difficulty in making new friends it can help to start attending an already started group, for example in the gym, a reading group or other.

Equally useful can be the regular practice of volunteering; Research has shown that people who regularly spend some of their time helping others through charitable or other volunteer activities are typically psychologically stronger than the general population.
Think positive

“Thinking positive” may sound like a nonsense phrase or a banal rhetoric, particularly for those suffering from severe depression, but it is important to try to remain as optimistic as possible; persistent negative thinking can increase the risk of withdrawing from the world and becoming more isolated.Breaking this vicious circle is tiring, difficult, but it is really essential to achieve a better quality of life.