Quitting smoking is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor can offer support and advice in ways that can help you stop smoking by providing information and recommendations on the use of nicotine replacement products, bupropion and varenicline (drugs that help reduce the desire to smoke), and other tools.
Safe sexual practice is also important. To this end, it is essential to avoid risky sexual partners and that both partners respect monogamy. People who have intercourse with more than one sexual partner can considerably reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease by properly using a latex condom at each intercourse (Prevention). People allergic to latex can use other types of condoms.
It is important to limit alcohol consumption. While small amounts of alcohol, especially red wine, can have health benefits, drinking more than moderate amounts (e.g. 1 to 2 glasses per day, possibly less for women) often has harmful effects. By glass we mean 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine or 44 ml of more concentrated liquor, such as whiskey.
In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, accident prevention also plays an important role. People can reduce the risk of injury by taking certain precautions, such as wearing appropriate protective equipment.Sleep also has an important function, in particular for its effects on mood and mental state. Insufficient hours of sleep are a risk factor for injuries.Safety 101Safety 101
Simple and common safety measures can help prevent accidents. Here are some examples:General safetyLearn the rules of first aid.Pack or buy a first aid kit.Learn the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure and other methods to relieve airway obstruction, such as the Heimlich maneuver.
Wear a helmet on a bicycle or motorbike and additional protective equipment according to the indications for the sport practiced, such as wrist guards for rollerblading or skateboarding.Store any firearms safely.Never swim alone.
In case of repeated wrist movement (such as in typing), maintain a position that avoids an increased risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.Exercise regularly and safely.Eliminate or limit alcohol consumption.Home securityTo prevent falls and fall-related injuries in children:Install safety locks in basement doors.
Close and lock windows in the presence of children.Replace or apply corner protectors to furniture with sharp corners.Do not use walkers.Install railings, especially on the floors above the first.Use gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.To prevent possible poisoning:never mix cleaning products.
Keep oven and bathroom cleaners, pesticides, alcohol and antifreeze sealed and out of the reach of children.Keep all medications in their original packaging and use child-resistant pillboxes if you are in the presence of resident or visiting small children.
Follow the instructions for safely disposing of expired drugs and drugs you no longer need (for the United States, see the How to Dispose of Unused Medicines section available on the Food and Drug Administration website US).To prevent fires:Install functioning smoke detectors on every floor of the house, including in the basement and in every bedroom.
Check the batteries every month and change them every 6 months.Plan an escape route and practice the evacuation plan.Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen or near the kitchen.Have the electrical system inspected by a professional technician.Do not leave burning candles unattended.Don’t smoke in bed.