Artigo pierre

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Disinformation about the coronavirus abounds. It is important to obtain up-to-date information only from authoritative sources.

We suggest that you follow the advice of the health authorities in your country and the websites of the relevant international and EU organizations: ECDC and WHO. You can also help by avoiding sharing unverified information from dubious sources.

The fight against disinformation is a collective effort involving all European institutions. The EU works closely with online platforms to encourage them to promote authoritative sources, to downgrade content that is found to be false or misleading, and to remove content that is illegal or potentially harmful to health.

All our efforts to combat disinformation, false information and foreign meddling have been intensified and outlined in a joint communication from the Commission and the High Representative.

Fighting disinformation and false information about the coronavirus saves lives. The European Commission makes all available tools available and funds research.Vaccines: distinguishing reality from fictionDo you have any doubts about what you have read? Here are the facts:Syiringe

Given the urgency of the current crisis, the EU is taking the necessary measures to make COVID-19 vaccines that meet the EU’s high standards of safety and efficacy accessible as soon as possible and to anyone who needs them.

Vaccinations are one of the greatest successes of public health. Worldwide, they save at least 2-3 million lives every year and save many more people from disabling and chronic diseases.

The EU seeks to ensure that only COVID-19 vaccines that meet the EU’s high standards of safety and efficacy are made available to the population. The Commission has concluded several preliminary purchase agreements with vaccine developers and guaranteed a sufficient number of doses to vaccinate all EU citizens.

All vaccines authorized by the European Commission after an evaluation by the European Medicines Agency will appear on the webpage dedicated to safe COVID-19 vaccines for Europeans, where you can also check which vaccines are currently being evaluated by of the EMA or are under development.

Vaccines help protect people from dangerous diseases. Scientifically unsubstantiated claims about vaccines have been spread throughout the coronavirus pandemic. These are claims that appeal to people’s fears and that can cause serious damage to public health.

Misleading information, scientifically unsubstantiated theories, and unsubstantiated claims that vaccines modify DNA or poison patients, cause reluctance towards vaccines and dissuade people from getting vaccinated.

An unprecedented scientific mobilization has yielded promising results. Coronavirus is extremely dangerous and affects our lifestyle. The global medical research community has therefore focused on developing safe and effective vaccines and has been able to achieve results in record time.

Despite the urgency, potential vaccines still need to undergo a rigorous evaluation by the European Medicines Agency to ascertain their efficacy, safety and high quality before being offered to the public. Thanks to a huge mobilization of resources and expertise at every stage, the development, evaluation and authorization processes were accelerated.

EU support for vaccinations and the #VaccinesWork campaignGet key data on COVID-19 vaccines from the EMA websiteSee microbiologist Peter Piot’s answer to nine common vaccine questions in 15 secondsKeep up to date with the introduction of the vaccine with the

ECDC Vaccine Tracker
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The EU digital COVID certificate allows all Europeans to travel safely in the European Union and abroad for business or vacation purposes.The European Commission has presented a legislative proposal on an EU digital COVID certificate proving that the holder is vaccinated, tested negative or cured of the coronavirus.

The purpose of the certificate is to facilitate the safe and free movement of citizens in EU Member States. It will include only a minimal set of information to confirm the holder’s status regarding vaccination, testing or recovery. The certificate, in digital or paper format, is free and contains a QR codewith a digital signature to prevent falsification.