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The opinion of the expert of the Cnr”The British research reports large numbers and a reduction in mortality by a third: it is more than interesting, I hope it will be confirmed”, comments Fabio Cibella, researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation of the National Research Council (Cnr -Irib).

Furthermore, he stresses, “one of the most interesting aspects of this study is that it is based on a well-known drug, an anti-inflammatory that has existed and has been used for decades: the highly available cortisone, which, on the one hand, is very useful because it is the basis for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases, on the other hand, in inexperienced hands, it can mask the symptoms of some pathologies.

However, it is a obtainable and low-cost solution indicated for every clinical case in which there is inflammation, and in Covid-19 it is precisely the inflammatory picture that determines the severity of the patients “, explains the expert.

A low-protein and low-salt diet prevents or slows the onset of kidney disease. Advice for a healthy diet from the experts of the Dietitians AssociationThe seven rules that save the kidneys

It is not enough to keep pressure, blood sugar levels, sugars under control. Under accusation, for the malfunctioning of the kidneys, are also sedentary lifestyle, unregulated diet, excess of drugs that can contribute, in the long term, to the onset of diseases, including chronic ones. From the experts of the ANDID (National Association of Dietitians) come the advice to avoid running into avoidable risks.

Heal yourself with nutrition: find out what and how to eat to protect kidney healthKIDNEY DISEASESThey are a problem especially in the silver years. “Although kidney disease can occur at any age – explains Anna Laura Fantuzzi, dietician and national secretary of ANDID – a reduction in kidney function is more likely to arise with advancing age.

There are clinical conditions, such as high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes and obesity, which favor the onset of kidney problems and implications, but in other situations, poor functionality can also depend on incorrect behavior. Prevention is possible by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet which, on the one hand, can help control weight and, on the other, help slow down the development or onset of kidney disease “.


Here, then, are some golden rules from the experts to keep the kidneys healthy:Practicing physical activity on a regular basis helps to control blood pressure and therefore reduce the risk of kidney disease.

Get regular blood glucose and blood pressure checks. High blood pressure is harmful to the kidneys, especially when it is associated with other factors such as diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

Eat healthy and control your weight. It is good to prefer a diet based on plant foods, such as the Mediterranean diet, which reduce the acidity of the urine and therefore the workload for the kidney, providing few calories and many antioxidant vitamins.

Consume common and whole grains at every meal; include legumes (chickpeas, beans, broad beans, lentils, lupins, peas, soy) and fish in the diet at least twice a week; reduce the weekly frequency of foods that contain proteins, species of animal origin (meat, cold cuts, eggs, cheeses and dairy products) and eliminate visible fat; use extra virgin olive oil, moderating the quantities and adding it, when possible, raw.