Transportation Public transport? Certainly better than the private car. For costs and respect for the environment, first of all. «The quality of life in cities is largely linked to transport – writes the Pope -, which are often the cause of great suffering for the inhabitants.
In cities there are many cars used by one or two people, so the traffic becomes intense, the level of pollution rises, huge quantities of non-renewable energy are consumed and the construction of more roads and parking spaces becomes necessary, which damage the fabric. urban. Many specialists agree on the need to give priority to public transport ». And if you really have to use the four wheels you can do it conscientiously.
For example with car pooling: term that indicates the use of a car among a group of people in order to reduce costs. Colleagues who live in the same area reach the workplace using only one machine in turn. Which thus becomes a kind of small “public transport”. (Massimo Rinieri)
10) Trees
Planting a tree is a fundamental gesture to express the will to take care of our planet. First of all, trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), considered the main climate-altering gas, that is responsible for the greenhouse effect (global warming) and climate change. In short, the tree “eats” the
CO2 present in the atmosphere: depending on the context in which it is inserted, urban or not, it is estimated that the tree can absorb between 10 and 50 kg of CO2 per year, to be multiplied by years of its life cycle Many companies committed to sustainability, especially industrial ones, decide to plant trees to offset the emissions associated with their business.
Furthermore, the tree, which in the city helps to reduce temperatures, is a powerful factor in the re-naturalization of the territory, which allows to fight and prevent the consumption of soil. Planting a tree is also a symbolic gesture: it means
Once the mechanism that leads to the fusion of cells infected with Sars-Cov-2 was identified, the drug capable of blocking this process was also arrived at. A process that could explain why 70% of patients with severe Covid-19 develop thrombosis.
Screening of over 3 thousand drugs
As for the drug, after a laboratory screening of over 3,000 drugs already approved for the treatment of various diseases, we arrived at niclosamide, used for more than 50 years for intestinal infections, but which is also able to block harmful effects that Sars-CoV-2 Spike protein causes to cells.
The discovery is the result of a study by a group of researchers from King’s College London, the University of Trieste and the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Icgeb) of Trieste, published in the journal Nature.
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Milan (-4%) the worst waiting for the Quirinale. Wall Street recoversJanuary 24, 2022Coronavirus today. Omicron, record of cases in Israel. Declining in Great BritainCoronavirus today. Omicron, record of cases in Israel. Declining in Great BritainJanuary 24, 2022Abnormal cells underlying thrombosis
The group of Italian and English researchers led by Mauro Jacket, professor at the University of Trieste, professor of Cardiovascular Sciences at King’s College London, in November last year in an article published in Lancet and
BioMedicine had discovered that the lungs of patients who died from Covid-19, in addition to showing extensive damage and the presence of clots that block blood circulation, contain a large number of abnormal cells, very large and with many nuclei, infected by the virus even after 30-40 days from hospitalization.