Despite the gravity of his statements with which he revealed the possible alteration of human DNA by the experimental gene sera, the scientist sided clearly in favor of them with a consideration perhaps even more disturbing.
Clinical observations on long-lasting positive
RT-PCR test results that involve the integration of SARS-CoV-2 DNA into the human genome during some Covid-19 cases, make concerns about vaccine-associated integration events unrealistic , if compared with the hoped for the benefits of vaccination against Covid-19 ».
Translated into simple terms it means: since even the SARS-Cov-2 virus can alter human DNA, it is better than vaccines to run this risk while guaranteeing protection from the disease: an immunization which is now strongly doubted by the need for continuous boosters dangerous for the immune system.
In light of this latest investigation by Science and the revelations of Professor Doerfler of Cologne on the possible DNA alterations that could cause Covid-19 it would be essential to ascertain once and for all the origin of SARS-Cov-2 which according to an increasing number of scientists and intelligence experts was built in biological laboratories in “a
China-US affair” as Luc Montagnier stated
The French virologist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for the discovery of HIV would have found traces of the AIDS prodrome pathogen precisely in SARS-Cov-2 and in some amino acids that could not have derived from natural mutations as claimed (and then retracted) also by an American microbiologist according to what emerged from the burning emails sent to Anthony Fauci and revealed by two representatives of the US House of Congress.
This is why the Gospa News dossier called Wuhan-Gates, for the role of Bill Gates in financing the experiments on chimeric viruses in China and the Big Pharma vaccines, developed in 45 investigations (27 of which summarized last year in the book of the same name
WuhanGates : the plot of the New World Order) takes on a tragic relevance. Precisely due to the serious consequences of Covid-19 and vaccines that seem to identify the toxicity of the Spike protein as the main suspect of the pathological damage, also included in the new Novavax protein nanoparticle vaccine.Brain fog, headaches, swings in blood pressure are probed by NIH and other researchersby Jennifer Cousin-Frankel and Gretchen Vogel for Science
In late 2020, Brianne Dressen began spending hours in online communities for people with Long Covid, a chronic and disabling syndrome that can follow an attack with the virus. “For months I just hid there,” says Dressen, a former preschool teacher in Saratoga Springs, Utah, “re-reading post after post symptoms that were just like mine.”
Dressen had never had COVID-19. But she had received a dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine that November as a volunteer in a clinical trial. That evening, her vision blurred and the sound became distorted: “
I felt like I had two shells on my ears,” she says. Her symptoms rapidly worsened and multiplied, eventually including heart rate fluctuations, severe muscle weakness and what she describes as debilitating internal electric shocks.
A doctor diagnosed her with anxiety. Her husband, Brian Dressen, a chemist, began sifting through the scientific literature, desperate to help his wife, a former rock climber who now spent most of her time in a dark room, unable to brush her teeth or to tolerate the touch of her children.
Over time, the Dressens found other people who had had serious, long-lasting health problems after a COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of the manufacturer.
By January 2021, researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began hearing about such reports and sought to find out more, bringing Brianne Dressen and others affected to the agency’s headquarters for testing and sometimes treatment.
The research was small-scale and did not draw conclusions as to whether or how vaccines may have caused rare and long-lasting health problems. Patients had “temporal associations
” between vaccination and their faltering health, says Avindra Nath, clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), who led the NIH’s efforts. But “an etiological association? I do not know.” In other words, she doesn’t know if the vaccination directly caused the subsequent health problems.