How to finance the project.Self-financing, European financing, regional and municipal financing, private financing, bequests, donations.14. Who will manage the Borgo della Salute.
To manage such a complex activity, it is necessary to create two social cooperatives (Type A and Type B) or a single company, perhaps a mixed public-private company, capable of meeting the needs of the Patients and those who assist them.
Managing the coronavirus. And get ready for the next pandemic
In any crisis, leaders have two equally important responsibilities: solving the immediate problem and preventing it from happening again. The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example. The world needs to save lives now, while also improving the way we respond to epidemics in general. The first point is more urgent, but the second has crucial long-term consequences.
The long-term challenge – improving our ability to respond to epidemics – is not new. Global health experts have said for years that another pandemic that rivaled the speed and severity of the 1918 flu epidemic was not a question of if but when. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed significant resources in recent years to help the world prepare for this scenario.
Now, in addition to the perennial challenge, we are facing an immediate crisis. Over the past week, COVID-19 has begun to behave much like the pathogen of a time when we were scared. I hope it doesn’t go as badly, but we should assume it will be until we know otherwise.
There are two reasons COVID-19 is a real threat. First, it can kill healthy adults as well as seniors with existing health problems. The data so far suggest that the virus has a mortality risk of around 1%; this rate would make it several times more severe than the typical seasonal flu and place it somewhere between the 1957 flu pandemic (0.6%) and the 1918 flu pandemic (2%).
Second, COVID-19 spreads quite efficiently. The average infected person spreads the disease to two or three others. This is an exponential rate of increase. There is also strong evidence that it can be transmitted by people who are only mildly ill or who do not yet show symptoms.
This means that COVID-19 will be much harder to contain than Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which were only spread by those who exhibited symptoms and were transmitted much less efficiently.
In fact, COVID-19 has already caused 10 times more cases than SARS in just a quarter of the time.The good news is that national, state and local governments and public health agencies can take steps in the coming weeks to slow the spread of COVID-19.
For example, in addition to helping their citizens respond, donor governments should help low- and middle-income countries prepare for this pandemic. Health systems in many of these countries are already being tested and a pathogen like the coronavirus can quickly overwhelm them.
And poorer countries have little political or economic influence, given the natural desire of richer countries to put their people first.”By helping the countries of Africa and South Asia prepare now, we can save lives and also slow down the global circulation of the virus.”
By helping the countries of Africa and South Asia prepare now, we can save lives and also slow down the global circulation of the virus. (A significant part of the commitment Melinda and I recently made to help kickstart the global response to COVID-19, which could amount to $ 100 million, is specifically focused on developing countries.)